How we collaborate with you.

Understanding what is important to you.

Little is more frustrating than people who think they know what you want but don’t listen to what is important to you. We meet with you to understand what you are trying to achieve, to discuss your budget, and to appreciate the things which matter most to you. 

Where appropriate, we contribute to ideas, provide examples, and collaborate with you to create a framework and pathway for the next step…creating a home you’ll love.

Your Land.

We work closely with developers, you, and our team to source, inspect, and secure land which best suits your needs and budget. If you have land already, then we meet with you on-site to view your land and to discuss design options.

On-site Consultation

At Direct Residential we believe that understanding the shape, aspect, and contour of your land is paramount to creating a design which captures the best sunlight, breezes, and views that your land has to offer. We do this so that we can position your home in the optimum location to capture these important elements. This can’t be done whist sitting in a display home. Once this is understood, we connect you with our building team and provide them with a clear design brief. This is the start, not the end. You have collaborative input into your design throughout the journey so as to truly create a home that is unique to you.

If you have some plans or ideas already…perfect, let’s chat.

Building & Completion.

We work closely with our building team throughout the process and liaise with the developer and other stakeholders to address issues, obtain information, and to seek to fast track such things as building covenant approvals, site access for soil testers , bank valuers and the like, to expedite and smooth out matters which may delay or cause road blocks to the commencement of your home.  Much of this happens behind the scenes. If you don’t hear from us during this time, it is usually a good thing, but rest assured our team are working constantly to bring about an outcome which is as smooth and efficient as possible, to help you move into your new home sooner.